How to install Ubuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11


How to install Ubuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11

You can install Ubuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11 in 3 different ways. Here’s how:

  1. Ubuntu can also be run through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
  2. You can install and run Ubuntu through a USB stick.
  3. You can install and run Ubuntu on Windows through a Virtual Machine (VM).

So you want to install Ubuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11? Don’t worry, you’re at the right place. You might be surprised to know, but there’s no single, universal way to install and run Ubuntu on Windows.

In this post, we lay out 3 ways to install and run Unbuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11, including:

  1. WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
  2. Using a USB stick.
  3. Using a VM (Virtual Machine).

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

1. Install Ubuntu on Windows with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

The Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL for short, is an environment created on top of the Windows operating system that helps users run the Linux environment on their Windows 10 or Windows 11.

WSL includes things like command line tools, utilities, and other applications. But, keep in mind that you won’t get the default GNOME GUI that comes with other methods of installing Ubuntu in Windows 10.

That is to say, you can only run Ubuntu through the Windows Terminal by using WSL. Also, to run WSL, you’ve to meet certain minimum requirements on Windows 10 or Windows 11; here they are:

  1. 64-bit operating system.
  2. Windows 10 build 14393 or later.

If you meet the above minimum requirements, you should be able to run Ubuntu on Windows without any difficulties. Here’s how:

On your Windows machine, go to the Start menu search bar, type in ‘windows features,’ and select the Best match. The Windows Features will be launched.

On it, select the Turn Windows Features on or off feature. From there, scroll down to the Windows Subsystem for Linux, select the checkbox and click on OK.

install ubuntu on windows

Windows will begin installing the WSL files, so give it a few minutes. After the installation is finished, reboot your PC or let it reboot by itself if you have the option.

After the reboot, launch the Command prompt. Go to the Start menu search bar, type in ‘cmd,’ and select the Best match. In the Command prompt, type bash and hit Enter.

Now you need to install Ubuntu on Windows, so head to soon as you enter the website URL in the address bar, Microsoft Store will be launched on your PC.

There, you’ll see a host of different Linux distributions that you are free to run side-by-side on your Windows operating system. Click on Ubuntu. From there, click on Get to download Ubuntu on Windows.

install ubuntu on windows

Next, click Install to install Ubuntu on Windows.

install ubuntu on windows

The Ubuntu environment installation will begin on your PC. When the installation gets finished, click on Open to open Ubuntu on Windows.

install ubuntu on windows

A new window will get launched and the Ubuntu installation will begin in your WSL. The installation might take a few minutes to complete, depending on your internet speed. So don’t worry if it takes a while.

install ubuntu on windows

When Ubuntu installation is complete, you’ll be prompted to set a username. Type in a relevant name and hit Enter. Next, you’ll have to set a password. Do that. Once you’re done with all the credentials, Ubuntu will be all set up.

install ubuntu on windows

install ubuntu on windows

After everything’s set and done, it’s a good idea to do a quick update for your Ubuntu. Run the following command and hit Enter:

# sudo apt update

Wait till the update gets completed and by the time you’re done, Ubuntu will be successfully running on your PC. Now you can access the Ubuntu command line whenever you want on Windows 10 or Windows 11.

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